Letters on Social Media #3

Letters on Social Media #3


I know this will sound stupid,

but my FOMO is actually worse than ever now. I keep seeing screen grabs of everyone’s fun and cheerful Zoom hangouts, and it’s making me feel pretty isolated and . . . you know. Anyone want to add me to their group? x


Hi everyone!

Oh my word! We can’t believe how quickly this group has grown in just a week! Thanks so much for contributing to this incredible community.

We hope you’re getting what you need from the group, but we now need to put a couple of measures in place to keep posts relevant and helpful. We’re therefore limiting posts to just one a day for each member. And we’d like to ask everyone to please search the group before posting to avoid duplication.

Thanks for helping us look after this great resource during this difficult time!

Your grateful support team xo


Oh my goodness, Siobhan.

I’ve just had to unfollow Ari on Instagram because I was shockingly close to writing something really quite offensive on her posts. It’s such a shame! Her feed used to be wonderful and she had some extremely interesting posts, but since things got serious, her whole grid has just turned into a gaudy clump of very angry coronavirus memes. And they’re SO ANGRY! Honestly, I deserve a medal for not unfollowing a week ago. All my love. X


So I wasn’t actually feeling that bad about the lockdown,

but the constant stream of posts giving anxiety advice is really triggering my anxiety. Yesterday I had a major panic attack after seeing about six Facebook posts in a row all telling me what I should be doing to stay calm while working from home and coping with change. It took me at least half an hour to calm down and Sara was really worried. We’ve been mainly working from home for the last three years and had no idea how many people think our lives must be hell. How are you finding it? Farrah xxx



I do so hope that you and your loved ones are well, and that you’re taking some time to appreciate the little things during these truly difficult and stressful times.

Apologies for contacting you on here, but I’m having difficulty getting into the work Outlook from home, and it would be great if you could get those spreadsheets over to me by the end of play today.

Thanks so much and warmest regards,


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