Letters on Social Media #4

Letters on Social Media #4


Hello group members,

Just to let you know, we’ve had to reschedule this afternoon’s free intermediate online cookery session since no one attended. It will now take place tomorrow at 10am. Imogen has worked very hard on this to provide you with some great new skills at this difficult moment, and we can testify that it is extremely useful and interesting session — we would highly advise you attend. It would be very disappointing if we don’t have a good turnout.

Fiona and Tim


Hi Shay,

How are you doing?

I’m SO exhausted and I don’t think I’m up to another zoom party this eve. I KNOW it sounds stupid, but I just really need some down time. This week I’ve had the normal unnecessary work video calls, one poker night (ugh), two quiz nights (one with family, one with friends), and even a work social! It’s ridiculous.

Should I be honest or should I just say I’m busy? Is having other plans even a possible thing right now?! OMG.




I think I’m having an existential crisis.

I’ve become that person who only posts memes and cute videos.

I used to post serious stuff about politics.

Now I don’t even know if I remember that guy.

Who even am I?




I’ve been absolutely KILLING it on the bike. I’m absolutely DYING to share my stats but no one’s posting pictures of their rides or readouts and they’ve all set their Stravas to private!!! As if it’s wrong to get out on the bike!!! People are such judgemental asshats! Ad x


Hey guys,

I know it looks weird that I’ve set up a duplicate chat, but can we please do some stuff without Craig? It’s like he’s deliberately sabotaging every quiz. I put loads of effort into them. People have told me how irritating it is and it’s got to the point where I’m getting social anxiety when I know he’s going to be at an online event. He doesn’t need to know, obviously. Or maybe he does? Idk.

Bri xxx

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