Letters on Social Media #5

Letters on Social Media #5

A stressed out young man takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose, his laptop open before him.

@everyone above -

thanks for your explanations and advice and suggestions. I’m grateful that you put time and thought into those responses, but that’s literally not what my status asked for. Cheers.

An older man holds his tablet in front of him. He frowns slightly at the screen. He’s outside.


I would like to politely request that you no longer tag me in any of those chain posts about albums, books, art, wine, classic cars or anything else that it’s possible to rate. I do like to share my appreciation of those things, as you know, and I thank you for thinking of me. However, owing to yesterday’s tag, I ended up in a 36-tweet conversation between two people I don’t know which had spurred off from the original tweet. I don’t know why they didn’t think to untag everyone else, but to avoid such occurrences again, and especially since there are so many of these posts at this moment, I’d be grateful if I wasn’t included amongst the taggees.



A young woman holds her coffee mug as she looks intently at her laptop screen, the other hand to her head.

Lovely community members!

We’re having some concerns and we’d love it if you could help us out! Our community has always been there for us and we’ve really appreciated your business during these precarious times. All we’re asking now is whether you can see this post! I know - that’s it! If you can see it, could you like it? We feel like we’re constantly at war with the algorithm and we’re not sure if our community just isn’t seeing our posts, or if we need to post different kinds of content. Thanks so much!

Climb & Book

A woman stands by a window, her cappuccino cup on a ledge beside her and her smartphone in her hand.

Hey B

You always know the inside scoop on social media. What’s this new thing where people write positive comments on posts without actually ‘liking’ them? Is that what we’re doing now? Is it a sort of reflection of how the Covid situation is making everyone lose positivity now? Fx

A businesswoman stares at her laptop screen in concern. Her hands are clasped together at her mouth.

Hi you guys!

I feel a bit weird posting video content right now because everything really is so weird! So much weirdness! Haha but my business coach said I should really be posting stories or video content every day, so here I am! Haha! How is everyone doing? I’m ok, I guess. I don’t have much to update you on because I’m not really able to do any work on my business, so this is a strange post! Ha! But I hope I have something new and exciting to talk about very soon! Well, maybe not very soon, but hopefully at some point in the not too distant future. I’m completely rambling now, haha, but thanks for watching these, and please leave a comment on my posts letting me know how you’re doing!





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