Letters on Social Media #2

Letters on Social Media #2

A woman standing at a table, looking very absorbed at her phone.

Seriously, Tracy?

I call you out on a toxic post and you delete me — really mature! Apologies that I caused you such discomfort by querying the ethics of your status. Did you think your ‘friends’ would see that you’re not as compassionate and liberal as you like to make out? No doubt you unfriended me so I wouldn’t see that you scrapped the whole thing, conversation and all — I know you can’t bear to be wrong.

Some free advice: if the consistency of your personal online brand is that important to you (apparently more so than decades-old friendships), try not to post “inspirational ideas” that originated in Piers Morgan’s bowels. You’re welcome.

A woman in front of a laptop, her hand to her forehead in exhaustion or upset, and her eyes closed.

Hi Craig!

Wow - you’re really prompt at getting back to me!

I was wondering . . . could you maybe be less prompt? I know it took me weeks to reply to your last message (and I’m really sorry for that, like I said to you), but it’s because I was thinking a lot about it . . . though I can see that won’t be remotely obvious from the small talk and lack of details. Urgh.

But yeah I’m hugely touched that you got back to me within a quarter of an hour of me messaging, but it also makes me feel rubbish about my own inability to reply quickly/without months of consideration (admittedly for things that don’t need any consideration . . .). I know you’ll understand.

Apart from that, that’s totally great about the new job! I’m really relieved to hear you’ve escaped the bad vibes of the last place. Is the new company free of all those weird dynamics or is it too soon to tell? xx

Shutterstock image of a man working on his laptop, looking slightly perplexed.


I’ve unfollowed so many people on FB over the years that my feed seems to be the same 10 boring people over & over. Can I reset things so I don’t have to go through my entire friends list re-following, which will alert them all to the fact that I’d unfollowed earlier?? 😬

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