I’ve always liked abstract art, but I’ve never done abstract painting myself. Everything I’ve made has always been of something, even if that something got changed in the process. Going abstract always seemed like it would be contrived or pretentious in some way, even though I never thought that about others’ abstract works.
But I found a free mini course and thought I should try it. I liked the idea of loosening up, and I’ve wanted to get my art materials out again for ages, and I’m hoping that if I find some freedom of expression in visual art, then it will affect other creative or expressive areas of my life too.
Here are some of my first attempts, on pieces of watercolour paper that I cut to A6 rectangles. I like some, don’t like others, and have no idea how to proceed with a few. That seems like quite a decent start. Each piece started out with a charcoal line of some sort, then a translucent watercolour wash was added. Then I used acrylic paint, oil pastels, white pencil and possibly other stuff I’ve forgotten about.
I enjoyed getting my art stuff out so much that I know this little journey will continue.